Thought Journal

Journaling is a powerful tool for accountability, allowing us to explore and understand our personal thoughts and emotions. In today's fast-paced world, taking the time to sit down and reflect is essential for our well-being. Through journaling, we can untangle our thoughts, vent our frustrations, and celebrate our joys. It provides an outlet for self-expression, enabling us to be truly authentic with ourselves. Putting pen to paper allows us to release any negative energy or stress, creating space for personal growth and healing. Journaling acts as a mirror, reflecting our fears, desires, and dreams, helping us gain clarity and perspective. By engaging in this reflective practice, we nurture our mental, emotional, and spiritual selves, laying the foundation for a balanced and fulfilled life.

Spend a day each week to gather all your inspirations

  • Notes on phone

  • Hand written notes

  • Images and screenshots

  • Emails

  • Pinterest boards

  • Saved instagram posts

  • Physical items

After a month gather awareness of where your inspirations are finding you.

Did you find yourself with more screenshots than notes?.

Did your phone notes explode or did you stick to the handwritten note?

When inspiration strikes, steer yourself to one of the core mediums. It will be easier and easier to find all your ideas at once


Color Concept: Blue


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